Reading time
5 mins
October 16, 2023

The achievements and prospects of ANZTEC and beyond

A seminar marking the 10th anniversary

Marking the 10th anniversary of The Agreement between New Zealand and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu on Economic Cooperation (ANZTEC), Business and Economic Research Limited (BERL) and the Chung Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER) jointly held a seminar on “The achievements and prospects of the 10th anniversary of the ANZTEC and beyond.”  

The seminar took place in Taipei, Taiwan, on 13 September 2023. Throughout the seminar, the success and performance of the ANZTEC as an economic agreement were highlighted, with particularly significant benefits created from the facilitation of trade in goods. The seminar also highlighted success beyond the ANZTEC, recognising the important and valuable relationships and partnerships that exist between both countries.  

It identified areas and opportunities to further maximise the value of the ANZTEC. This included enhancing bilateral partnerships, elevating trade in services, and leveraging each other’s expertise, knowledge, and complementary strengths in emerging industries and sectors. While there are also opportunities that go beyond the ANZTEC, with the potential for both countries to advance each other’s climate change targets and continue to build Indigenous-to-Indigenous connections through collaboration and partnership.  

Amanda Reid (Principal Consultant) and Connor McIndoe (Consultant) both presented at the seminar.

A brief summary report including the slides and notes, as well as the joint BERL/CIER policy recommendations has been developed. CIER also published a summary of the highlights of the seminar.